Interview: Voting Booth on Post-2020 Push by State GOP to Making it Harder to Vote

As the second Senate impeachment trial of Donald Trump commenced, much of the case against the former President relies on how he incited his supporters to attack the Capitol based on their sincere belief that the 2020 election was stolen from their leader. In one of the highest-voter turnout elections in more than a century, what was certain about last year’s race was that Americans exercised their democratic rights with enthusiasm.
Rather than celebrate that enthusiasm, Republican controlled state legislatures are drawing the lesson that democracy ought to be curtailed if they are to win races. To that end the GOP has introduced bills in 33 states to make it harder for people to vote. The obvious pattern is that the party believes it will retain political power if the right to vote is suppressed.
Rising Up with Sonali Kolhatkar spoke to Voting Booth’s Steven Rosenfeld about tehse developments and challenges facing voting rights in 2021.