Election Subversion is Replacing Voter Suppression as New GOP Threat The language of the voting rights movement is changing. June 1, 2022 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest
Warning Against Autocracy, Biden Urges Senate to Drop Filibuster, Pass Voting Rights In Georgia speech, president warns of Trump-led voter suppression and election subversion. January 11, 2022 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest
Advocates Urge Officials to Speak Up Against Voter Intimidation & Violence As right-wing militants have the president’s blessing to behave menacingly, voting rights groups are asking why local officials are not… October 7, 2020 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest
Ex-RNC Chair Says Trump Chief of Staff is Behind Post Office Attack (Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. Image: https://www.c-span.org/video/?473623-1/white-house-chief-staff-mark-meadows-speaks-reporters) The ringleader behind the White House’s attack on the U.S.… August 22, 2020 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest
Red Flags Foreshadowed Georgia’s June 9 Primary Election Meltdown There were many warning signs that Georgia’s June 9 primary would not go well. In metro Atlanta’s Fulton County’s election… June 14, 2020 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest
Voter Data Suppression Is GOP’s Latest Anti-Voter Tactic Are Republican-run states deliberately slowing down the processing of voter registrations to prevent new voters from casting a ballot? October 18, 2018 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest