Cyber Ninjas Got Hand Count Wrong — Including 300,000 Miscounted Ballots

(Cyber Ninjas’ hand count audit in Maricopa County, Arizona. Photo by Steven Rosenfeld)
Late last month, pro-Trump contractors working for the Arizona Senate Republicans reported that Joe Biden had not only won the 2020 election but also gained votes, while Trump lost votes in their count. But an independent analysis released Tuesday of the Cyber Ninjas-led hand count, the basis of its results, has found inaccuracies involving more than 311,000 ballots — a 15 percent error rate.
The same analysis also found that the contractors had double-counted 22,821 ballots, which is more than twice the size of Biden’s victory margin in Arizona’s 2020 presidential election.
“This is proof that the Cyber Ninjas’ [presidential] vote count wasn’t real,” Larry Moore, a co-author of the analysis, told the Arizona Republic. The Phoenix-based paper first reported the analysis after filing public records requests and suing to obtain the Senate’s audit records, which were released late on Friday.
Moore is part of a three-person team of retired election auditors and data experts who have used public records to confirm and explain Trump’s loss in Arizona. He founded Clear Ballot, a federally certified election audit firm, and was assisted by Benny White, a Republican data analyst from Tucson, and Tim Halvorsen, Clear Ballot’s retired chief technology officer.
Doug Logan, Cyber Ninjas CEO, did not respond to the Arizona Republic‘s request for a comment on Tuesday. Previously, Logan has rejected analyses by the trio of election auditors, saying they were criticizing ballot inventory and vote-counting work that was unfinished.
Incompetence Revealed, Innuendo Debunked
The 300,000-plus incorrectly counted ballots are from a 695-page report prepared by Randy Pullen, the former Arizona Republican Party chair and a professional corporate accountant, that listed — side by side — figures from five different ways that the Senate’s investigators attempted to inventory paper ballots and count presidential votes from 1,634 storage boxes.
The outside auditors found that figures from 706 storage boxes were off by 25 or more ballots, when compared to Maricopa County’s official election records. They found the Cyber Ninjas had no record of more than 167,000 ballots in the storage boxes. They found an additional 144,000 ballots where the number of hand-counted ballots in storage boxes did not match subsequent machine counts of the ballot inventory. They found Pullen’s hand count totals apparently double counted nearly 23,000 ballots. Their report, posted on their blog, has pages containing highlighted errors in all of these categories of auding mistakes.
“Our initial analysis… completely discredited any comments made by Pullen or Doug Logan about the accuracy of the Senate ‘forensic audit,'” the analysts October 12 blog said. “Pullen now says the report he submitted, and [Arizona] Sen. [President Karen] Fann subsequently submitted to the [Arizona] Attorney General when she asked for a criminal investigation of everything the Ninjas have been saying, was only preliminary. Since it is the only report of the extended audit that has been released to the public, we are now going through that report in detail to see how it stacks up against the official results. The answer is not very well.”
The disclosure that the Cyber Ninjas most-detailed report cannot account for 15 percent of the votes on 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County is the latest in a series of analyses that have debunked the claims put forth by the state Senate’s privatized 2020 election investigation.
On October 6, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, a Republican elected in 2020, issued an analysis that debunked 12 of the most inflammatory allegations by the Cyber Ninjas team — after they reported that Joe Biden defeated Trump. Those conspiratorial claims drew wide coverage on pro-Trump media and lent momentum for copy-cat “audits” in other states.
The county’s explanations revealed that the Cyber Ninjas did not know basics about election administration, which involves a series of interlocking systems and records that range from authenticating a voter’s identity and eligibility, to how mailed-out ballots are tracked and inventoried, to how vote counts are tabulated, to how vote-count records and databases are archived. In these and other categories, the contractors have attacked the accuracy of the election and incorrectly portrayed the voting and vote-counting process as flawed.
“Based on our preliminary review of voters found in the Senate’s data, we cannot substantiate Cyber Ninjas’ conclusions based on the use of a third-party data set,” Richer’s analysis said, in response to a claim that 23,344 voters—more than twice Biden’s victory margin—did not live at the address in their voter file. (The Cyber Ninjas used a commercial address directory, which their report to the Senate said could not find more than 80,000 voters in the county).
“No voter should be denied their right to vote because they are not in a commercial database,” Richer continued. “In Maricopa County, we rely on the voter’s affirmation of their residential address until we are informed otherwise by the voter or by another trusted resource like the United States Postal Service or the National Change of Address report. A real-time database that tracks the day-by-day movement of every person in the state or in the nation does not exist.”
There have been other recent reports that also attest to the Cyber Ninjas’ incompetence as election auditors and highlight that this exercise was a made-for-media spectacle designed to perpetuate Trump’s false narrative that the election was stolen. For example, Voting Booth reported that the March 2021 contract between the Senate and the Cyber Ninjas did not require the firm to produce a precise report of vote counts, but only an “attempt” to do so.
Emerging from the critiques of the Cyber Ninjas’ work are telltale markers, as other bad-faith partisan investigations get underway in other national battleground states, such as in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. Audits by election professionals take a few days to a few weeks, not five months like the Cyber Ninjas, who covered up mistake after mistake—all the while delaying their final report as pro-Trump media kept claiming the election was stolen.
“The official results announced last November were correct then and they are still correct today,” the independent auditors Tuesday blog entry concluded.