Election Deniers and Election Defenders Poised for Next Phase of Voting Wars Unprecedented efforts by pro-Trump Republicans and election officials are targeting 2022’s general election. October 13, 2022 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest
Upcoming 2022 Primaries: A Handful of Voters Will Decide Who’s on the Fall Ballot American voters are passionate, but they don’t think voting in primaries matters. April 18, 2022 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest
New Efforts Seek to Build Trust in Elections, in the Face of a Still-Thriving Election Denier Community Believers of Trump’s big lie about the 2020 election continue to ignore national media and election experts. Will they be… April 8, 2022 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest
Polling Place Delays Will Erupt Sooner This Fall, say Election Logistics Experts Polling place voters will see delays surface sooner than in past presidential elections due to COVID-related constraints, logistics experts say.… September 2, 2020 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest
Ballot Drop Boxes Still an Under-Used Tool to Help Urban Voters in Pandemic Ballot drop boxes could make the fall’s voting easier, but many states have yet to commit to using them. July 27, 2020 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest