Grassroots Groups Target Infrequent Rural Voters in Georgia Senate Runoff Civic groups hope to make difference in runoff and turn old South purple. December 1, 2022 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest
In Senate Runoff, Georgia Organizers Defy GOP Attacks on Voting Rights A GOP-sponsored 2021 law barred assisting voters waiting in lines at polling places. November 28, 2022 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest
Decades of Inequality Shadow Voter Turnout in Rural Georgia A small-town voter drive in middle Georgia reveals why only trusted family, friends and local leaders can boost turnout in… December 16, 2020 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest
Will Overlooked Voters of Color in Georgia Tip the U.S. Senate Majority? Civil rights activists say Georgia’s communities of color could defeat GOP incumbents in upcoming U.S. Senate runoffs. The activists are… December 4, 2020 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest
Looking Back at the Democrats’ Political Strategies in Florida and Georgia There’s a lot to learn from the approach of the Biden campaign and its allies. November 10, 2020 ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest