Democrats want senators to debate bills on the floor and then let a simple majority win.
Trump’s agents produce more propaganda not proof. Meanwhile, outside auditors poised to release more evidence of Biden victory.
Court orders postmarked ballots arriving after Election Day be segregated.
Conservative justices said it was too late to change the rules in Pennsylvania and North Carolina before Election Day. But…
In a Wisconsin ruling, the court’s conservative majority sided with a legislature that disregarded voters. Whether that sets the stage…
After several days of murky high-profile media coverage, details emerge about alleged attacks. They were intentional disinformation but not attacks…
“If that defeat is to come, down-ballot races in 2020 are going to play an outsized role.”
Despite historic voter turnout favoring Democrats, the President Trump’s base is steadfast in its belief that he will prevail.
In a 4-4 tie, the U.S. Supreme Court ducks the key issue: can federal courts overrule voting rights in state…
The attorney general and Justice Department can issue pro-Trump propaganda, but not reject or seize ballots, nor interrupt the state-run…
Thousands of ballots returned by mail won’t count if they arrive after Election Day, a federal appeals court has ruled.
The 2020 election is known for many negatives, but it may be heading toward the largest voter turnout in decades—or…